Take time on the Sabbath to discuss the importance of emergency preparedness with family & neighbors. Establish a 3 month supply of water and food and rotate it. Actively participate in all emergency response drills. Maintain a "red file" for your most important documents. Live righteously, practice the welfare principle of self-reliance and build a three to six month financial reserve.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oil of Oregano

Good Morning,
I just wanted to inform those who are interested that Henry's health food store has Oil of Oregano on sale!  Regularly $27.99 on sale for $19.99 for 120 gel caps.  I think this sale goes until Oct. 2nd. Very good price.  Henry's is located in Temecula on Winchester.  If you take the 15 and exit off and turn left on Winchester, travel down past Margarita to the next large intersection and cross over that intersection and turn right into the driveway to that mall area and you will see Henry's. There is another one on Highway 79 South.

Oil of Oregano

What is oil of oregano?

Oil of oregano is an essential oil derived from the leaves of the plant Oregano Vulgares. The oil is steamed-distilled from fresh or dried leaves.  It is very strong and has to be diluted with virgin olive oil to take it orally.  The active ingredients are Carvachol and Quercetin. It can be taken orally in gel caps or topically by a dropper.

What are some of the benefits?

One of the main benefits of Oil of Oregano is that it works as a very strong natural antibiotic.   For example... you have a sore throat. It most likely is viral but your may doctor prescribe antibiotics which most of the time is not useful for this purpose.  Viruses do not respond to antibiotics.  But Oil of Oregano will do the job because it is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial. 

Oil of Oregano contains Quercetin which has strong antioxidant properties and may be especially protective against breast, ovarian and endometrail cancers.

To top it off, it also is anti-inflammatory. .

 By using it topically it works against fungus like ringworm and athletes foot.  Doug Kaufmann from the national televison program called “Know the Cause” plus Dr. David Holland and many  other researchers now say that fungus is the link that causes cancer.

WARNING:  Oil of Oregano is very warming!  When the plant's phenols (a type of flavonoid) which are rich in oxygen, hits water, they create a hydrogen ion shift and produce heat which gives Oil of Oregano its germ fighting power.  The heat reaction dehydrates germs and kills them with no harm to the human tissues. Caution should be used when topically applying this oil to sensitive skin areas and keep out of your eyes. Do not take internally over long periods of time.  Can be hard on a week  liver.

 Taken orally, it works against Candida which secretes highly toxic mycotoxins into our bodies due to over eating corn, peanuts, wheat, barley, sugar, rye, cheese and alcohol.

 Oil of Oregano works against viruses that cause shingles and herpes.

It is a fantasitc decongestant and relieves coughs due to the build up of mucus in our bodies that are cozy places for bacteria to grow and cause infection.  It is good for congestion, bronchitis, asthma and sinusitis.

 As for pain, it works as well as Ibuprofen and morphine when applied topically for arthritis, back pain, and other body aches.

Taken internally it is good for food poisoning, flu, colds, cold sores, candida, tooth ache, gum diseases and fatigue.

 Another benefit is that it has high levels of antioxidants...higher than fruits and vegetables. 

Oregano is one of the six herbs that is rated highest in Progesteron-binding activites.  High levels of Progesteron suggest having protective ablility against the formation of certain cancers like breast, prostate and small basal cell and  lung cancer.

Oil of Oregano can even kill 25 of the most common bacteria in water if used in a dilution of 1:4000. It can sterilize water.  

For those individuals who have built up a resistance to antibiotics due to overuse, Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf Extract, and Garlic are great alternatives.

Just as a note...antibiotics kill the good bacticia as well as the bad bacteria in the intestinal tract and make us more vulnerable for recurring infections. If taking antibiotics from your doctor please take probiotics after your treatment to replenish your intestinal tract with the healthy probiotics that build your immune system and prevent the over growth of Candida.

 Research shows that Oil of Oregano also stimulates the increase of oxygen in the body  and cancer does not like oxygen...In the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Greek researchers showed that Wild Oil of Oregano even has the potential to destroy human cancer cells.  So it can work against cancer as well.

How Can I Use Oil of Oregano?

While I'm not a Naturopathic Doctor or Herbalist, I can offer some suggestions based on my experiences and the most current recommendations from research online.  Please feel free to do research yourself for all the different ways to use this amazing oil and make a note of it.

Here are a few ways you can use Oil of Oregano.

For head/chest congestion/cough, take 3 gel caps 3 times a day for 2-3 days. You can mix  one tbsp. Vicks Vapor Rub and a few drops Oil of Oregano in boiling water and breath the steam for relief too.

These super bugs that are mutating can knock you off your feet within minutes.  I know from  experience!  Just three months ago one hit me like a ton of bricks.  My head and sinuses swelled and filled...eyes watering... sneezing....throat was getting scratchy and I could feel it moving down into my chest and I was starting to cough. This only took about an hour.  I couldn't believe how quickly it was over taking me.  So I grabbed my Oil of Oregano and took 3 gel caps and took them with water.  Then I just relaxed on the couch. Within 20 minutes I could breath again and get back to work.  That evening I took 3 more gel caps before bed and continued as prescribed above. The great thing was that I didn't have to suffer with the symptoms.  By the time my nose started running again it was time to take my next dose and then I was fine.

Dandruff -  Research shows that dandruff is caused by a yeast infection in the scalp.  Oil of Oregano has shown to be effective against certain types of yeast and fungal infections.  Try mixing a few drops into your shampoo and work it into your scalp. Avoid eye contact. Repeat throughout the week for maximum effect.  You can use Tea Tree Oil on dandruff as well.

Apply topically for bug bites, toenail fungus, eczema or use as misquito repellant.

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